Venezuela: Staaten - Erdkunde-Quiz
- Amazonas
- Anzoátegui
- Apure
- Aragua
- Barinas
- Bolívar
- Carabobo
- Cojedes
- Delta Amacuro
- Distrito Capital
- Falcón
- Federal Dependencies
- Guárico
- Lara
- Miranda
- Monagas
- Mérida
- Nueva Esparta
- Portuguesa
- Sucre
- Trujillo
- Táchira
- Vargas
- Yaracuy
- Zulia
With over 31 million people, Venezuela is the fifth largest country in South America. All those inhabitants are spread out in 25 states, although not evenly. Zulia is the largest state by population with over 3.7 million people, and Amazonas, with only 150,000 residents, is the smallest. What Amazonas does not have in population it makes up for in size. With over 180,000 square kilometers, it is the second largest state by area in Venezuela, right behind Bolivar.
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Landkarten-Spiele (Individuelle Länder)
- Argentina: Hauptstädte der Provinzen
- Argentinien: Provinzen
- Bolivien: Departamentos
- Brasilien: Hauptstädte der Bundesstaaten
- Brasilien: Regionen
- Brasilien: Staaten
- Brasilien: Städte
- Brasilien: Städte (schwierige Version)
- Brasilien: Ökosysteme
- Chile: Regionen
- Ecuador: Provinzen
- Guyana: Regionen
- Kolumbien: Departamentos
- Paraguay: Departamentos
- Peru: Regionen
- Suriname: Distrikte
- Uruguay: Departamentos
- Venezuela: Staaten