
The Caribbean: Flags of Countries and Territories - Flag Quiz Game

  • Anguila
  • Antigua e Barbuda
  • Aruba
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Cuba
  • Curaçao
  • Dominica
  • Granada
  • Guadalupe
  • Haiti
  • Ilhas Cayman
  • Ilhas Turks e Caicos
  • Ilhas Virgens, EUA
  • Ilhas Virgens, Grã Bretanha
  • Jamaica
  • Montserrat
  • Porto Rico
  • República Dominicana
  • Santa Lúcia
  • São Kitts e Nevis
  • São Vicente e Grenadinas
  • Trinidad e Tobago
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This quiz game challenges you to identify flags of Caribbean countries and territories. In the Jamaican flag, black represents the strength and creativity of the people, the gold hue depicts the nation's natural wealth and sunlight, while green stands for hope and agricultural bounty. There are interesting details in each of these flag designs—if you work with this quiz, you'll be able to identify flags of Caribbean countries and territories in no time.

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O jogo está disponível nos seguintes 14 idiomas