
The U.S.: Great Plains States - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Güney Dakota
  • Kansas
  • Kolorado
  • Kuzey Dakota
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Teksas
  • Wyoming
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The Great Plains region of North America spans 501,933 sq mi and stretches from the Canadian Prairies to Texas. 10 U.S. states are considered Great Plains States, and you can use this informative map game to learn all 10. While agriculturally diverse, much of The Great Plains region is wheat country—it contains eight of the leading U.S. wheat-producing states! From recognizable outlines like that of Texas to the nondescript squared-off boarders of Wyoming and Colorado, you’ll be able to identify each of the Great Plains States quickly.

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