
Svet: Zastave - Flag Quiz Game

  • Avstralija
  • Brazilija
  • Francija
  • Indija
  • Italija
  • Japonska
  • Južna Afrika
  • Kanada
  • Kitajska
  • Mehika
  • Nemčija
  • Rusija
  • Tajska
  • Združene države Amerike
  • Združeno kraljestvo
  • Španija
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This engaging flag quiz game tests you on 16 of the most recognizable flags in the world. Some are easy, for example, the Canadian maple leaf probably won’t stump anyone, but are you sure you can tell the Mexican flag from Italy’s? The Mexican flag is the one with an eagle but remembering details like that might take some work. Make it easy with this geography study aid and become an expert on the flags of the world in no time!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 43 Sprachen verfügbar
