
북미와 중미: 국기 - Flag Quiz Game

  • 과테말라
  • 니카라과
  • 도미니카 공화국
  • 멕시코
  • 미국
  • 벨리즈
  • 아이티
  • 엘살바도르
  • 온두라스
  • 자메이카
  • 캐나다
  • 코스타리카
  • 쿠바
  • 파나마
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You’re in luck! All the flags of North and Central America are reasonably different from one another. Then again, El Salvador and Nicaragua could trip you up. They both have a horizontal white stripe sandwiched in between two blues ones. It will all come down to the symbols in the center, and this flag quiz game will help you recognize which flag is which. Get started with this engaging geography study aid and you’ll be an expert on the flags of North and Central America in no time!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 44 Sprachen verfügbar
