
خاورمیانه: پرچم‌ها - Flag Quiz Game

  • اردن
  • اسرائیل
  • امارات متحدهٔ عربی
  • ایران
  • بحرین
  • ترکیه
  • سوریه
  • عراق
  • عربستان سعودی
  • عمان
  • قبرس
  • قطر
  • لبنان
  • مصر
  • کویت
  • یمن
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Only two countries in the world have a flag that features the country’s map; one of them is the Middle East country of Cyprus. Dozens of flags feature a tree, but the only Middle Eastern flag to feature one is Lebanon’s. Check out this flag quiz game to observe more interesting details about the flags of the Middle East. Many of these flags feature red, white and green, so the blue in Israel’s flag really stands out, as does Qatar’s field of maroon. This study aid makes it easy to memorize such similarities and differences, helping you identify the flags of the Middle East with ease.

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 14 Sprachen verfügbar