
澳大利亚:城市 - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • 凯恩斯
  • 卡尔古里-博尔德
  • 堪培拉
  • 墨尔本
  • 布里斯班
  • 悉尼
  • 汤斯维尔
  • 爱丽斯泉
  • 珀斯
  • 纽卡斯尔
  • 达尔文
  • 阿德莱德
  • 霍巴特
  • 黑德兰港
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When you’re memorizing major Australian cities, it’s good to know that most of them are located on the country’s east coast. Newcastle is situated 73 miles from Sydney, and another 383 miles north, you’ll find Brisbane. If you use this engaging map quiz game to work your way up the coastline, then learning most of the Australian cities will be a breeze! Once you get to Cairns in the north, this handy geography study aid will make identifying the remaining central and western cities a snap!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 14 Sprachen verfügbar

Landkarten-Spiele (Individuelle Länder)