
Danmörk: Borgir - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • Esbjerg
  • Helsingjaeyri
  • Herning
  • Hróarskelda
  • Kaupmannahöfn
  • Korsør
  • Nykøbing
  • Randers
  • Rønne
  • Skaginn
  • Vejle
  • Álaborg
  • Árósar
  • Óðinsvé
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After Copenhagen, most people’s knowledge of Denmark’s cities is pretty weak. Copenhagen, being just across the bay from Sweden, is easy enough to find. If you want to be Geography Bee champion, however, you need to know more than just the capital city. This map quiz game will put you on the path to greatness and seriously add to the number of geography facts you know.

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 20 Sprachen verfügbar
