
Āfrika: Valstis - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • Alžīrija
  • Angola
  • Benina
  • Botsvāna
  • Burkinafaso
  • Burundija
  • Centrālāfrikas Republika
  • Dienvidsudāna
  • Dienvidāfrikas republika
  • Džibutija
  • Ekvatoriālā Gvineja
  • Eritreja
  • Etiopija
  • Gabona
  • Gambija
  • Gana
  • Gvineja
  • Gvineja-Bisava
  • Kaboverde
  • Kamerūna
  • Kenija
  • Komoras
  • Kongo Demokrātiskā Republika
  • Kongo Republika
  • Kotdivuāra
  • Lesoto
  • Libērija
  • Lībija
  • Madagaskara
  • Mali
  • Malāvija
  • Maroka
  • Mauritānija
  • Maurīcija
  • Mozambika
  • Namībija
  • Nigēra
  • Nigērija
  • Rietumsahāra
  • Ruanda
  • Santomē un Prinsipi
  • Seišelu Salas
  • Senegāla
  • Sjerraleone
  • Somālija
  • Sudāna
  • Svatini
  • Tanzānija
  • Togo
  • Tunisija
  • Uganda
  • Zambija
  • Zimbabve
  • Čada
  • Ēģipte
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There are over one billion people living in the African continent. With a population of over 170 million and growing, Nigeria is the largest of the countries. Using this free map quiz game, you can learn about Nigeria and 54 other African countries. You might be surprised how many you don’t get right on the first try, but use this online Africa map quiz to study and you will improve.If you want to practice offline, download our printable maps of Africa in pdf format.

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 40 Sprachen verfügbar