
오세아니아: 수도 - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • 누메아
  • 누쿠알로파
  • 마주로
  • 마타우투
  • 사우스 타라와
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  • 수바
  • 아담스 타운
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  • 야렌
  • 응게룰무드
  • 파고 파고
  • 파페이테
  • 팔리키르
  • 포트모르즈비
  • 포트빌라
  • 푸나푸티
  • 하갓냐
  • 호니아라
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Although the islands of Oceania themselves are quite small, the distances between them can reach thousands of miles. Not only are they difficult to access, some of the capital cities are difficult to pronounce, like Nuku'alofa and Hagåtña. Once you get there, however, the islands of Oceania are often referred to as heaven on Earth, with white sandy beaches and crystal clear water.

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 27 Sprachen verfügbar

Landkarten-Spiele (Individuelle Länder)