
Гватемала: Департаменти - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • Ісабаль
  • Альта-Верапас
  • Баха-Верапас
  • Гватемала
  • Ель-Прогресо
  • Ескуінтла
  • Кесальтенанго
  • Кіче
  • Петен
  • Реталулеу
  • Сакапа
  • Сакатепекес
  • Сан-Маркос
  • Санта-Роса
  • Солола
  • Сучитепекес
  • Тотонікапан
  • Уеуетенанго
  • Халапа
  • Хутьяпа
  • Чикімула
  • Чимальтенанго
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The territory of modern Guatemala once formed the core of the Maya civilization, which extended across Mesoamerica. Some of the 22 departments of Guatemala will be easy to spot on a map. Petén, for example, is the largest one and dominates the entire northern part of the country. Tiny Sacatepéquez is squeezed into the middle, just north of Escuintla. Other departments aren’t so easy—the unremarkable shapes and even distribution can make them blend together. That’s where this engaging geography quiz game can help! Use it to create your own mind map of the Guatemalan departments and you’ll have all 22 memorized in no time flat!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 5 Sprachen verfügbar
