
España: Ríos - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • Aragón
  • Besaya
  • Bidasoa
  • Cinca
  • Duero
  • Eo
  • Esla
  • Guadalhorce
  • Guadalquivir
  • Guadiana
  • Gállego
  • Jalón
  • Júcar
  • Llobregat
  • Miño
  • Nalón
  • Navia
  • Nervión
  • Pisuerga
  • Río Ebro
  • Río Tajo
  • Segre
  • Segura
  • Ter
  • Tormes
  • Turia
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The rivers of Spain contribute a great deal to the country's geographic diversity. They beautify the landscape, and many irrigate the fertile valleys that are used to grow olives, grapes and other crops. There are over 1,800 rivers in Spain, but this map quiz game focuses only on the largest ones. The River Ebro isn't the longest, but it carries more water than any other Spanish river. The Guadalquivir is one of Spain´s most famous rivers. It passes through the cities of Seville and Cordoba, and some of the inland parts of the river are navigable, making Seville the only inland port in Spain. From the Guadalhorce in the south to the Eo river in the north, this quiz game will help you explore all 26 major Spanish rivers.

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 12 Sprachen verfügbar
