Jižní Amerika: země (s obrázky) - Erdkunde-Quiz
- Argentina
- Bolívie
- Brazílie
- Chile
- Ekvádor
- Francouzská Guyana
- Guyana
- Kolumbie
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Suriname
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
From Colombia to the southern tip of Chile, the South American countries present a fascinating diversity of culture and natural beauty. Memorizing these countries can be fun, with the help of this engaging map quiz game. It features colorful cartoons that represent the country you click on; to see all the pictures, you have to work through the whole map. Spoiler alert—a Chilean llama shows up, a few feathered friends make an appearance, and you'll see a variety of offshore wonders. As the map fills up bright cartoons, you'll find it's easier than you thought to learn all the countries of South America!
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Landkarten-Spiele (Individuelle Länder)
- Argentina: Hauptstädte der Provinzen
- Argentinien: Provinzen
- Bolivien: Departamentos
- Brasilien: Hauptstädte der Bundesstaaten
- Brasilien: Regionen
- Brasilien: Staaten
- Brasilien: Städte
- Brasilien: Städte (schwierige Version)
- Brasilien: Ökosysteme
- Chile: Regionen
- Ecuador: Provinzen
- Guyana: Regionen
- Kolumbien: Departamentos
- Paraguay: Departamentos
- Peru: Regionen
- Suriname: Distrikte
- Uruguay: Departamentos
- Venezuela: Staaten