
Canada : les abréviations des provinces - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • AB
  • BC
  • MB
  • NB
  • NL
  • NS
  • NT
  • NU
  • ON
  • PE
  • QC
  • SK
  • YT
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Here's a map quiz that will test your knowledge of Canadian postal abbreviation—you've got to identify each Canadian province and territory based on its location on a map and its abbreviation. The Parliament of Canada delegates power to the three territorial governments, but the country's ten provinces get their authority from the over 150-year-old Constitution Act, or what was originally called the British North America Act, 1867. This quiz game will help you find all the Canadian provinces and territories on a map, and if you ever need to mail something to a Canadian address, you'll have the postal abbreviation locked and loaded!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 4 Sprachen verfügbar
