
Kenya : les comtés - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • Baringo
  • Bomet
  • Bungoma
  • Busia
  • Elgeyo-Marakwet
  • Embu
  • Garissa
  • Homa Bay
  • Isiolo
  • Kajiado
  • Kakamega
  • Kericho
  • Kiambu
  • Kilifi
  • Kirinyaga
  • Kisii
  • Kisumu
  • Kitui
  • Kwale
  • Laikipia
  • Lamu
  • Machakos
  • Makueni
  • Mandera
  • Marsabit
  • Meru
  • Migori
  • Mombasa
  • Murang'a
  • Nairobi City
  • Nakuru
  • Nandi
  • Narok
  • Nyamira
  • Nyandarua
  • Nyeri
  • Samburu
  • Siaya
  • Taita-Taveta
  • Tana River
  • Tharaka-Nithi
  • Trans Nzoia
  • Turkana
  • Uasin Gishu
  • Vihiga
  • Wajir
  • West Pokot
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Here's a map quiz that challenges you to identify all 47 counties in Kenya. The Kenyan County of Busia is home to a town of the same name, located just east of Busia, Uganda. The two make up an extremely busy border zone between Kenya and Uganda. Marsabit County is in northern Kenya and borders the eastern shore of Lake Turkana. The capital of Kwale County is the town of Kwale, but Ukunda is the county's largest town. By collecting facts about the country and working with this map quiz, you can memorize the counties of Kenya with ease!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 6 Sprachen verfügbar