
Kirguistán: Provincias - Erdkunde-Quiz

  • Batken
  • Biskek
  • Chuy
  • Jalal-Abad
  • Naryn
  • Osh
  • Osh City
  • Talas
  • Ysyk-Kol
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Here's a map quiz that challenges your knowledge of Kyrgyzstan geography. The country is divided into 9 regions, two of which are cities—the capital city of Bishkek, and Osh City. Naryn Region, the largest, is located in the east of the country and has an economy fueled by sheep, horse, and yaks herding. In the Osh Region, most of the population lives in the flat northern section, with far fewer people residing near the Alay Mountains and Trans-Alai Range. Isıq-Köl Region is named after Lake Issyk-Kul, one of the world's largest high-altitude lakes. Pick up a few memorable facts about Kyrgyzstan and work with this map quiz—you'll be an expert on the regions of Kyrgyzstan in no time!

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Das Spiel ist in den folgenden 2 Sprachen verfügbar