
Ukraine: Oblaste - Juego de Mapas

  • Kiew
  • Krim
  • Oblast Charkiw
  • Oblast Cherson
  • Oblast Chmelnyzkyj
  • Oblast Dnipropetrowsk
  • Oblast Donezk
  • Oblast Iwano-Frankiwsk
  • Oblast Kiew
  • Oblast Kirowohrad
  • Oblast Luhansk
  • Oblast Lwiw
  • Oblast Mykolajiw
  • Oblast Odessa
  • Oblast Poltawa
  • Oblast Riwne
  • Oblast Saporischschja
  • Oblast Schytomyr
  • Oblast Sumy
  • Oblast Ternopil
  • Oblast Transkarpatien
  • Oblast Tscherkassy
  • Oblast Tschernihiw
  • Oblast Tscherniwzi
  • Oblast Winnyzja
  • Oblast Wolyn
  • Sewastopol
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Ukraine has 27 regions: 24 oblasts, one autonomous republic, and two "cities with special status". Since the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in March 2014, Ukraine's control of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is disputed.Although Kyiv is the country’s capital and largest city, the largest oblast is Donetsk, with a population of over 4 million. Neighboring Dnipropetrovsk is second with a population of over 3 million, and is also the second largest by area. That should make it easier to find on the map!

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