
Italia: Banderas regionales - Quiz drapeau

  • Abruzos
  • Apulia
  • Basilicata
  • Calabria
  • Campania
  • Cerdeña
  • Emilia-Romaña
  • Friuli-Venecia Julia
  • Lacio
  • Liguria
  • Lombardía
  • Marcas
  • Molise
  • Piamonte
  • Sicily
  • Trentino-Alto Adigio
  • Tuscany
  • Umbría
  • Valle de Aosta
  • Véneto
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The Italian Constitution defines Italy's regions—20 autonomous entities, each with specifically defined powers. Each region also has a flag, and this quiz game can helpyou learn them all. Lombardy's flag could use some work; it's just a white blob on a green background. The flag of Piedmont appears to be a white cross on a field of red, topped by blue...track lighting? The Flag of Veneto, with its angelic lion and multiple shields is probably a treat for the eyes at full size on top of a flagpole. Check out all the colorful flags of Italy's regions; in no time, you'll be able to identifyall 20, with the help of this flag quiz game.

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