
Česko : Regióny /Kraje/ - Quiz de géographie

  • Hlavné mesto Praha
  • Hradec Králové Region
  • Juhomoravský
  • Juhočeský
  • Karlovy Vary Region
  • Liberec Region
  • Moravskosliezský
  • Olomoucky
  • Pardubice Region
  • Plzeňský
  • Stredočeský
  • Vysočina Region
  • Zlínsky
  • Ústí nad Labem Region
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The Czech Republic has 13 regions and a capital city region. You probably heard of some of them, like Prague and South Bohemia, but are probably less familiar with the others. If that is the case, you should study up with this geography game and vastly increase your level of geography trivia. By the end, you will be captain of the Geography Club!

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