
AQSH: O'rta g'arbdagi shaharlar - Quiz de géographie

  • Akron
  • Bismark
  • Chikago
  • Davenport
  • De-Moyn
  • Detroyt
  • Fargo
  • Fort - Ueyn
  • Grand - Rapids
  • Indianapolis
  • Jefferson siti
  • Kanzas - siti
  • Klivlend
  • Kolumbus
  • Lansing
  • Linkoln
  • Madison
  • Miluoki
  • Minneapolis
  • Omaxa
  • Peoriya
  • Pirr
  • Rokford
  • Sent - Luis
  • Sent - Pol
  • Sinsinatti
  • Springfild
  • Tolido
  • Topika
  • Uichito
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After Chicago, how many cities in the Midwest can you locate? I was afraid of that! Brush up on your geography trivia by learning as many as you can in this map quiz game. For a fun classroom activity, or challenge your friends to see who can get the most.

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