
المملكة العربية السعودية: المناطق - Quiz de géographie

  • الباحة
  • الجوف
  • الحدود الشمالية
  • المدينة المنورة
  • المنطقة الشرقية
  • تبوك
  • جيزان
  • عسير
  • قاسم
  • مدينة الرياض
  • مكة المكرمة
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There are 13 administrative regions in Saudi Arabia, each with its own capital city and governing structure. Even though Riyadh is both the national capital and the regional capital of the state by the same name, it is not the largest region in the country by population. That designation goes to Makkah, which includes the city of Mecca. Despite including the “Empty Quarter,” the Eastern Province is the third largest by population.

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