
Франція: Річки - Quiz de géographie

  • Альєр
  • В’єнн
  • Гаронна
  • Дордонь
  • Ду
  • Ло
  • Луара
  • Маас
  • Марна
  • Мозель
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  • Сена
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There's a river, or, as the French would say, a rivière, running through almost every part of France. The country has hundreds of rivers, but this map quiz is focused only on the 17 largest. The most famous French rivers are the Seine and the Rhone, but the longest is the Loire. French rivers in the east are fed by the snowmelt flowing out of the Alps; those in the south get water running down from the Pyrenees. From the Meuse in the north to the southern river, Garonne, this quiz game will help you remember all of the major French rivers.

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