
Slowakei: Städte - Quiz de géographie

  • Banská Bystrica
  • Bardejov
  • Bratislava
  • Humenné
  • Komárno
  • Košice
  • Levice
  • Martin
  • Medzilaborce
  • Michalovce
  • Nitra
  • Nové Zámky
  • Poprad
  • Považská Bystrica
  • Prešov
  • Prievidza
  • Spišská Nová Ves
  • Trenčín
  • Trnava
  • Žilina
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The capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, borders Austria and Hungary, making it the only national capital that borders two sovereign states. Košice, located on the river Hornád, is the second largest city in Slovakia after Bratislava, and is known for being the first settlement in Europe to be granted its own coat-of-arms. The cities of Slovakia are geographical and historically fascinating, and this quiz game will help you memorize them. Poprad, in northern Slovakia, rests at the base of the High Tatra Mountains and is a popular holiday destination. Find an interesting fact about each city and use this map quiz to help nail down its location—you'll be an expert on Slovakian cities in no time!

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