
ليبيا: المناطق - Quiz de géographie

  • الجفرة
  • الزاوية
  • الكفرة
  • الواحات
  • بنغازي
  • بوتنان
  • جبل الأخضر
  • جبل الغربي
  • جعفره
  • درنة
  • سبها
  • سرت
  • طرابلس
  • غات
  • مرج
  • مرزق
  • مرقب
  • مصراتة
  • نالوت
  • نوى الخمس
  • وادي الحياة
  • وادي الرماد
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Is that Libyan region Jafara or Jufra? If you remember that Jafara is located way up in the northwest corner of the country, that may help lock in the difference. This map quiz can help with hard to remember locations like that. Although Wadi al Hayaa and Wadi ash Shatii are similarly named districts that share a border, there's no reason to confuse them—the latter is much larger and is situated north of its smaller neighbor. From Al What to Zawiya, you can memorize the names and locations of all 22 districts of Libya, and have fun doing it, with this map quiz game.

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