
Italien: Hauptstädte der Regionen - Quiz de géographie

  • Ancona
  • Aosta
  • Bari
  • Bologna
  • Cagliari
  • Campobasso
  • Catanzaro
  • Florenz
  • Genua
  • L'Aquila
  • Mailand
  • Neapel
  • Palermo
  • Perugia
  • Potenza
  • Rom
  • Trient
  • Trieste
  • Turin
  • Venedig
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Italy has a fascinating geographical history. It wasn't until 1870 that Italy became a united country. For centuries it was divided into autonomous regions that still hold great significance for many Italians. Each of those regions is graced with a capital city that captures the culture of the area. From Florence, the picturesque capital of Tuscany, to Palermo, the jewel of rugged Sicily, this quiz game will help you learn all the regional capitals of Italy. With some practice, you'll ace this quiz on Italian regional capitals!

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