
Mongolei: Aimags - Quiz de géographie

  • Archangai
  • Bajan-Ölgii
  • Bajanchongor
  • Bulgan
  • Chentii
  • Chowd
  • Chöwsgöl
  • Darchan-Uul
  • Dorno-Gobi
  • Dornod
  • Dsawchan
  • Dund-Gobi
  • Gobi-Altai
  • Gobi-Sümber
  • Orchon
  • Selenge
  • Süchbaatar
  • Töw
  • Ulan Bator
  • Uws
  • Ömnö-Gobi
  • Öwörchangai
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Can you identify the provinces of Mongolia? This quiz game will make it easy and learning a few facts about Mongolia will help too. The nation is divided into 21 provinces, plus the capital, Ulaanbaatar, which is governed as an independent provincial municipality. The southern province of Ömnögovi, in the Gobi Desert, is Mongolia's largest province and is rich in gold, copper, and valuable mineral deposits. Khentii, located in the east, is named after the Khentii Mountains and is known as the birthplace and likely final resting place of Genghis Khan. For every province in Mongolia, there is at least one interesting detail that will aid your memory. Explore the country and use this map quiz to become an expert on the Mongolian provinces.

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