
Germany: Ruhr District - Quiz de géographie

  • Bochum
  • Bottrop
  • Dortmund
  • Duisburg
  • Essen
  • Gelsenkirchen
  • Hagen
  • Hamm
  • Herne
  • Moers
  • Mülheim
  • Oberhausen
  • Recklinghausen
  • Witten
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The Ruhr is the largest urban area in Germany, boasting a population of over 5 million. Can you locate these 14 Ruhr cities? There are Dortmund and Essen, for example, each with a population of over 500,000. The district also includes some comparatively smaller cities, like Recklinghausen, the northernmost city with a rural population of just over 110,000. Hagen, a medium-sized city with a population of nearly 200,000, is located on the southeastern edge of the Ruhr area. By collecting noteworthy details about the Ruhr District and working with this map quiz, you can memorize these 14 Ruhr cities with ease!

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