
Algeria: Province - Quiz de géographie

  • Adrar
  • Al-Mani'a
  • Algeri
  • Annaba
  • Ayn Temouchent
  • Aïn Defla
  • Batna
  • Biskra
  • Blida
  • Bordj Baji Mokhtar
  • Bordj Bou Arréridj
  • Boumerdès
  • Bouïra
  • Béchar
  • Béjaïa
  • Béni Abbès
  • Chlef
  • Constantina
  • Djanet
  • Djelfa
  • El Bayadh
  • El M'ghair
  • El Oued
  • El Tarf
  • Ghardaïa
  • Guelma
  • Illizi
  • In Guezzam
  • In Salah
  • Jijel
  • Khenchela
  • Laghouat
  • M'Sila
  • Mascara
  • Mila
  • Mostaganem
  • Médéa
  • Naâma
  • Orano
  • Ouargla
  • Ouled Djellal
  • Oum El-Bouaghi
  • Relizane
  • Saïda
  • Sidi Bel Abbès
  • Skikda
  • Souk Ahras
  • Sétif
  • Tamanrasset
  • Tiaret
  • Timimoun
  • Tindouf
  • Tipasa
  • Tissemsilt
  • Tizi Ouzou
  • Tlemcen
  • Touggourt
  • Tébessa
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Can you identify all the Algerian provinces? They changed recently. The country is divided into 58 provinces, with 10 being added since December 2019. Some of the newest provinces are In Guezzam, the southernmost province of Algeria, and Bordj Baji Mokhtar in the Algerian Sahara. One of the oldest provinces is Oran, created from the former French department of Oran in 1968. This quiz game will help you memorize the locations of each Algerian province, old and new!

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