
Франція: Винні Регіони - Quiz de géographie

  • Бордо
  • Бургундія
  • Долина Луари
  • Долина Рони
  • Ельзас
  • Жура
  • Корсика
  • Лангедок-Руссійон
  • Прованс
  • Південний Захід
  • Савойя
  • Шампань
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Even if you've never had a sip of wine before, you've probably heard of some of France's more famous wine regions. Champagne and Bordeaux, for example, are world renowned for their fine wines. With this geographic study aid, you can locate those two regions on a map of France and explore all the other French wine regions. Wine is produced in almost every part of France; only the areas along the north coast are left out. Let this map quiz game take you on a tour of France's wine regions and before you know it, you'll be able to locate each one with ease.

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