アフリカ北部:国 - Map Quiz Game
- アルジェリア
- エジプト
- スーダン
- チュニジア
- モロッコ
- リビア
- 西サハラ
The countries of northern Africa are among the largest on the continent by territory. Algeria is the biggest country in Africa, while Sudan and Libya are the third and fourth biggest. Because of their size, you should not have too hard of a time identifying them correctly on this geography quiz. Challenge your friends to see how can pass this free map quiz the fastest!
あなたのハイスコア (ピン)
- Angola: Provinces
- Democratic Republic of the Congo: Provinces
- Egypt: Cities
- Egypt: Governorates
- Ghana: Regions
- Kenya: Counties
- Morocco: Regions
- Senegal: Regions
- Somalia: Regions
- South Africa: Cities
- South Africa: Cities (Difficult Version)
- Sudan: States
- Tanzania: Regions
- Tunisia: Governorates
- エチオピア:地域州及び都市名
- ナイジェリア:州
- リビア:地区
- 南アフリカ共和国:州