アフリカ東部:国 - Map Quiz Game
- ウガンダ
- エチオピア
- エリトリア
- ケニア
- ザンビア
- ジブチ
- ジンバブエ
- ソマリア
- タンザニア
- ブルンジ
- マダガスカル
- マラウイ
- モザンビーク
- ルワンダ
- 南スーダン
Eastern Africa is known for Lake Victoria and some of the world’s best coffee. It is also home to Lake Tanganyika, the deepest lake in Africa and the second biggest by volume in the world. This interactive educational game will you learn even more about eastern Africa by learning the locations of the countries in region. It is also a great teaching tool for anyone teaching Africa geography.
あなたのハイスコア (ピン)
- Angola: Provinces
- Democratic Republic of the Congo: Provinces
- Egypt: Cities
- Egypt: Governorates
- Ghana: Regions
- Kenya: Counties
- Morocco: Regions
- Senegal: Regions
- Somalia: Regions
- South Africa: Cities
- South Africa: Cities (Difficult Version)
- Sudan: States
- Tanzania: Regions
- Tunisia: Governorates
- エチオピア:地域州及び都市名
- ナイジェリア:州
- リビア:地区
- 南アフリカ共和国:州