アメリカ:12か所のランドマーク - Map Quiz Game
- アラモ伝道所
- グランドキャニオン
- ゲートウェイアーチ
- ゴールデンゲートブリッジ
- スペースニードル
- ディズニーワールド
- ナイアガラの滝
- ハリウッドサイン
- ラシュモア山
- 国会議事堂
- 独立記念館
- 自由の女神
With over 75 million visitors a year, the United States is the second most popular tourist destination in the world after France. There are many reasons why people visit the United States, but very often they are going to see one of the many iconic landmarks. Over 52 million people a year visit Disney World per year, including both domestic and international tourists. New York’s Statue of Liberty is also a popular destination, with over three million visitors per year.
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