
멕시코: 도시 - Aardrijkskunde Spelletjes

  • 과달라하라
  • 메리다
  • 멕시칼리
  • 멕시코시티
  • 몬테레이
  • 베라크루즈
  • 산루이스포토시
  • 시우다드 후아레스
  • 아과스칼리엔테스
  • 아카풀코
  • 에르모시요
  • 치와와
  • 쿨리아칸
  • 토레온
  • 푸에블라
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Mexico’s capital is easy to remember, but how many other cities can you name? This geography game will significantly improve your knowledge of America’s southern neighbor. It is also fantastic preparation for a geography bee and a great teaching tool for an important unit in the geography North and Central America.

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De game is beschikbaar in de volgende 28 talen