
США: Кордони 50 Штатів - Aardrijkskunde Spelletjes

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  • Південна Кароліна
  • Північна Дакота
  • Північна Кароліна
  • Род-Айленд
  • Теннессі
  • Техас
  • Флорида
  • Юта
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When you’re identifying the U.S. states on a map, their locations help, but often it’s the state’s outline that provides the best visual cue. Have you ever noticed that the hook-shaped peninsula of Massachusetts looks like a flexing bicep, or that the outline of lower Michigan strongly resembles a mitten? Use this engaging geography quiz game to lock in your own visual reminders and you’ll be able to point out every U.S. state in no time!

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De game is beschikbaar in de volgende 10 talen