
Euroopa Liit: riigid - Aardrijkskunde Spelletjes

  • Austria
  • Belgia
  • Bulgaaria
  • Eesti
  • Hispaania
  • Holland
  • Horvaatia
  • Iirimaa
  • Itaalia
  • Kreeka
  • Küpros
  • Leedu
  • Luxembourg
  • Läti
  • Malta
  • Poola
  • Portugal
  • Prantsusmaa
  • Rootsi
  • Rumeenia
  • Saksamaa
  • Slovakkia
  • Sloveenia
  • Soome
  • Taani
  • Tšehhi Vabariik
  • Ungari
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One thing that came out of the United Kingdom's decision to go through with Brexit is that you have one less county to find in this quiz! The UK recently left the European Union, a political and economic union of 27 member states. France, German, and Sweden are still in the fold, as is the Republic of Malta, a group of seven Mediterranean islands and the EU's smallest member. Can you find those four countries on the map? If you can, keep going and locate the other 23 EU countries. This quiz game will make it fun!

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De game is beschikbaar in de volgende 38 talen
