
Kamerun: Regionen - Aardrijkskunde Spelletjes

  • Adamawa
  • Hoher Norden
  • Littoral
  • Nordwest
  • North
  • Ost
  • Süd
  • Südwest
  • West
  • Zentrum
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The Republic of Cameroon is divided into 10 regions and this map quiz will help you memorize them. The Northwest Region and the Southwest Region are the only two English-speaking parts of the country. South of those regions is the Littoral Region, home to the sprawling Douala Edéa Wildlife Reserve. The Centre Region is a hub of the country's timber and agriculture industries. By exploring interesting facts about Cameroon and working with this map quiz, you'll be able to identify all 10 of the country's regions in no time.

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De game is beschikbaar in de volgende 3 talen