
Espagne : les drapeaux des communautés autonomes - Flag Quiz Game

  • Andalousie
  • Aragon
  • Asturies
  • Cantabrie
  • Castille-La Manche
  • Castille-et-León
  • Catalogne
  • Communauté de Madrid
  • Communauté valencienne
  • Estrémadure
  • Galice
  • La Rioja
  • Navarre
  • Pays basque
  • région de Murcie
  • îles Baléares
  • îles Canaries
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Spain is a little different. It's not a republic or a federation like so many other countries, instead, it's a highly decentralized unitary state. The Spanish governmentdefined 17 autonomous communities as first-level political and administrative divisions, each one has its own flag, and you can learn them using this quiz game. From the seven stars on Madrid's flag to the distinctive castle and lion pairs that grace the flag of Castile and León, the flags of Spain's autonomous communities offer some eye-catching iconography. Let this flag quiz be your guide to memorizingall 17 flags that wave over the autonomous communities of Spain.

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