
स्विट्ज़रलैंड और ऑस्ट्रिया: शहर - Jogo de Mapa

  • इन्सब्रुक
  • ग्राज़
  • जिनीव
  • बर्न
  • बाज़ल
  • लिंज़
  • लॉसान
  • विंटरथर
  • विएना
  • साल्ज़बर्ग
  • ज़्युरिक
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Switzerland and Austria are both known of their picturesque Alpine scenery and posh ski resorts. While Switzerland mostly abstains from international relations and Austria is a member of the European Union, they share the Germanic culture. Vienna, Zurich, and Geneva are consistently rated as the cities with the highest living standards in the world. Can you locate them on a map? This geography quiz game will help you identify those and a few others.

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Jogos de mapas