
Welt: Ozeane, Meere und Seen - Jogo de Mapa

  • Arabisches Meer
  • Arktischer Ozean
  • Atlantischer Ozean
  • Baffin Bay
  • Beaufortsee
  • Beringsee
  • Die grossen Seen
  • Golf von Bengalen
  • Golf von Biskaya
  • Golf von Guinea
  • Golf von Mexiko
  • Hudson Bay
  • Indischer Ozean
  • Japanisches Meer
  • Javasee
  • Karibisches Meer
  • Kaspisches Meer
  • Mittelmeer
  • Nordsee
  • Ostsee
  • Pazifischer Ozean
  • Persischer Golf
  • Rotes Meer
  • Sargassosee
  • Schwarzes Meer
  • Südchinesisches Meer
  • Südpolarmeer
  • Tasmanisches Meer
  • Victoriasee
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Approximately 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. Oceans account for nearly all of that surface area, but there are also many inland seas and lakes that are relatively large. This online map is a great way to learn the locations of the world’s oceans, seas and lakes. Challenge your friends to see who can get the most right in the shortest amount of time.

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Jogos de mapas