
Asien: Städte - Jogo de Mapa

  • Bagdad
  • Baku
  • Bangkok
  • Bischkek
  • Chennai
  • Delhi
  • Dhaka
  • Hanoi
  • Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
  • Hong Kong
  • Jakarta
  • Jerusalem
  • Kalkutta
  • Manila
  • Mekka
  • Mumbai
  • Osaka
  • Peking
  • Pjöngjang
  • Seoul
  • Shanghai
  • Singapur
  • Taipeh
  • Teheran
  • Tokio
  • Ulan Bator
  • Vientiane
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The cities in the Asia are the biggest in the world. Whether it’s Tokyo, Mumbai, or Shanghai, cities in Asia are bursting at the seams with tens of millions of people. This geography study aid will help you learn the locations of these extremely important places. After you take this free map quiz, you will be one step closer to becoming an expert on Asian geography!

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O jogo está disponível nos seguintes 39 idiomas