Λατινική Αμερική: Χώρες - Jogo de Mapa
- Αργεντινή
- Αϊτή
- Βενεζουέλα
- Βολιβία
- Βραζιλία
- Γαλλική Γουιάνα
- Γουατεμάλα
- Δομινικανή Δημοκρατία
- Εκουαδόρ
- Ελ Σαλβαδόρ
- Κολομβία
- Κούβα
- Κόστα Ρίκα
- Μεξικό
- Νικαράγουα
- Ονδούρα
- Ουρουγουάη
- Παναμά
- Παραγουάη
- Περού
- Χιλή
There are 23 countries that are considered to be part of Latin America. Brazil and Mexico dominate the map because of their large size, and they dominate culturally as well because of their large populations and political influence in the region. Although Guyana and Suriname are firmly on mainland South America, they are often excluded from the Latin America designation because the cultures in those two countries is less influenced by Latin countries like Spain or Brazil.
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Jogos de mapas (países individuais)
- Argentina: Capitais de Província
- Argentina: Províncias
- Bolívia: Departamentos
- Brasil: Cidades
- Brasil: Cidades (versão difícil)
- Brasil: Ecossistemas
- Brasil: Regiões
- Brasil: Unidades federativas
- Brasil: Unidades federativas, capitais
- Chile: Regiões
- Colômbia: Departamentos
- Equador: Províncias
- Guiana: Regiões
- Paraguai: Departamentos
- Peru: Regiões
- Suriname: Distritos
- Uruguai: Departamentos
- Venezuela: Estados