
Asien: fysisk karta - Jogo de Mapa

  • Amur (Heilong)
  • Arabiska halvön
  • Arabiska havet
  • Bajkalsjön
  • Bengaliska viken
  • Berings hav
  • Berings sund
  • Borneo
  • Ganges
  • Himalaya
  • Huanghe (Gula Floden)
  • Indiska oceanen
  • Indus
  • Japanska havet (Östhavet)
  • Kamtjatka
  • Kaspiska havet
  • Lena
  • Mekong
  • Norra ishavet
  • Ob
  • Persiska viken
  • Sibirien
  • Stilla havet
  • Sumatra
  • Taiwan
  • Uralbergen
  • Volga
  • Yangtze (Changjiang)
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The Asian landmass is the largest in the world and contains a huge variety of physical features. In China and India, rivers flowing along fertile agricultural plains have served thriving civilizations for thousands of years. The region also has the Himalayan Mountain range which contains the world’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest, as well as many of the world’s other tallest peaks.

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