
Libéria : les drapeaux des comtés - Flag Quiz Game

  • Bomi
  • Bong
  • Gbarpolu
  • Grand Bassa
  • Grand Cape Mount
  • Grand Gedeh
  • Grand Kru
  • Lofa
  • Margibi
  • Maryland
  • Montserrado
  • Nimba
  • River Cess
  • River Gee
  • Sinoe
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Liberia is divided into 15 counties, and this quiz game will help you memorize their flags. Liberia's national flag, with a look that's similar to the US flag, appears in the upper left corner of all the Liberian state flags. The flag of Grand Bassa takes it a step further, using the national flag color scheme as its primary design. Mountains and trees show up in many of the other Liberian state flags. Explore the history and culture of Liberia and, with this quiz, you'll be able to memorize the 15 Liberian county flags with ease!

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