
Kinija: provincijos - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Anhui
  • Dziangsi
  • Dziangsu
  • Dzilinas
  • Džedziangas
  • Fudzianas
  • Gansu
  • Guangdongas
  • Guangsi
  • Guidžou
  • Hainanas
  • Hebei
  • Heilondiangas
  • Henanas
  • Hubėjus
  • Hunanas
  • Junnanas
  • Liaoningas
  • Neimengu
  • Ningsia
  • Pekinas
  • Siangangas (Honkongas)
  • Sindziangas
  • Sičuanas
  • Tiandzinas
  • Tibetas
  • Činghai
  • Čongčingas
  • Šaansi
  • Šanchajus
  • Šandongas
  • Šansi
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

China has 32 provincial level administrative units. Some are well known outside of China, like Hong Kong and Beijing, while others are not. Learning all of them is a daunting task, but this free map quiz game is here to help. After you take this geography quiz a couple of times, you will find that it is far easier to keep all the names and locations straight.

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