
Mundo: 50 Países Mais Populosos, Capitais - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Abuja
  • Acra
  • Addis Ababa
  • Ankara
  • Argel
  • Bagdá
  • Bangcoc
  • Berlim
  • Bogotá
  • Brasília
  • Buenos Aires
  • Cabul
  • Cairo
  • Caracas
  • Cidade do México
  • Daca
  • Dodoma
  • Hanoi
  • Islamabad
  • Jacarta
  • Kampala
  • Kathmandu
  • Khartoum
  • Kinshasa
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Kyiv
  • Lima
  • Londres
  • Luanda
  • Madrid
  • Manila
  • Maputo
  • Moscou
  • Nairobi
  • Naypyidaw
  • Nova Deli
  • Ottawa
  • Paris
  • Pequim
  • Pretoria
  • Rabat
  • Riyadh
  • Roma
  • Sana'a
  • Seul
  • Tashkent
  • Teerã
  • Tóquio
  • Varsóvia
  • Washington, D.C.
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

While most people are aware that China and India are the two largest countries by population in the world, relatively few people will know that the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania are in the top 25. In the next few decades, those two countries will continue to climb the rankings, as their population growths rates are above three percent. Maybe now is a good time to learn their capital cities.

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