
France: Arrondissements of Paris - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Batignolles-Monceau
  • Bourse
  • Buttes-Chaumont
  • Buttes-Montmartre
  • Entrepôt
  • Gobelins
  • Hôtel-de-Ville
  • Louvre
  • Luxembourg
  • Ménilmontant
  • Observatoire
  • Opéra
  • Palais-Bourbon
  • Panthéon
  • Passy
  • Popincourt
  • Reuilly
  • Temple
  • Vaugirard
  • Élysée
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Paris is split up into twenty arrondissements. These administrative districts have many official purposes, one being that each arrondissement is assigned a unique, two-digit, postal code suffix. This quiz game can help you memorize all 20 of the Parisian arrondissements. They are laid out in a clockwise spiral pattern and numbered. The spiral starts in the middle of the city; Arrondissement #1 is named Louvre, and the districts radiate out from there. That organization might help you commit the arrondissements to memory, and with this map quiz, you can become an expert on the arrondissements of Paris with ease.

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