
Svizzera: Capitali dei cantoni - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Aarau
  • Altdorf
  • Appenzello
  • Basilea
  • Bellinzona
  • Berna
  • Coira
  • Delémont
  • Frauenfeld
  • Friborgo
  • Ginevra
  • Glarona
  • Herisau
  • Liestal
  • Losanna
  • Lucerna
  • Neuchâtel
  • San Gallo
  • Sarnen
  • Sciaffusa
  • Sion
  • Soletta
  • Stans
  • Svitto
  • Zugo
  • Zurigo
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

Switzerland is divided into 26 cantons, which are member states of the Swiss Confederation. Each canton has a capital city, many with the same name as their canton, for example, the capital cities of Zürich, Bern, Schwyz, and Glarus. Others are tricky to remember. Luzern's capital city isn’t spelled Luzern, it’s Lucerne, and shouldn't be confused with Lausanne, which is the capital city of Vaud. This map quiz will help you learn all the Swiss cantonal capitals. Did you know that, until the Swiss federal state was established in 1848, each canton was an independent state that maintained its own borders, army, and currency? The Swiss cantons and their capital cities have a rich and fascinating history. Use this quiz game to explore these 26 capital cities of Switzerland and memorize their locations.

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