
东南亚:城市(困难版) - Harita Test Oyunları

  • 万象
  • 万隆
  • 万鸦老
  • 三宝垄
  • 三宝颜
  • 乔治敦
  • 亚庇
  • 亚罗士打
  • 仰光
  • 内比都
  • 北干巴鲁
  • 卡加延德奥罗
  • 吉隆坡
  • 坤甸
  • 宿务
  • 岘港
  • 巨港
  • 巴厘巴板
  • 帝力
  • 怡保
  • 斯里巴加湾
  • 新加坡
  • 普吉岛
  • 曼德勒
  • 曼谷
  • 望加锡
  • 查亚普拉
  • 棉兰
  • 河内
  • 泗水
  • 海防
  • 清迈
  • 班达楠榜
  • 登巴萨
  • 索龙
  • 胡志明市
  • 芭堤雅
  • 芹苴
  • 达沃
  • 金边
  • 雅加达
  • 马六甲
  • 马尼拉
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

This map quiz will make it easy to learn the cities of Southeast Asia, an area made up of places south of China, east of India, and north-west of Australia. It's the only portion of Asia that's partly located in the Southern Hemisphere. Southeast Asia includes well-known cities like Jakarta, Manila, and Singapore, along with many lesser-known cities. This map quiz will help you identify them all. From Mandalay in the north to Denpasar and Dili in the southern part of the region, you'll know every one of these 43 Southeast Asian cities in no time.

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