
Syrie : les gouvernorats - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Alep
  • Damas
  • Deir ez-Zor
  • Deraa
  • Hama
  • Hassaké
  • Homs
  • Idleb
  • Lattaquié
  • Qouneitra
  • Raqqa
  • Rif Dimachq
  • Soueïda
  • Tartous
Bu özelliğe erişim elde etmek için hesabını yükselt

Can you identify all 14 governorates of Syria? Syria is a country in Western Asia featuring fertile plains, high mountains, and deserts. From Al-Hasakah, Aleppo, and Raqqa in the north to the southern governates of Quneitra, Daraa, and As-Suwayda, if you pick up some details about each region, you'll be able to identify all 14 governorates in no time!

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