
G20-Anführer - Harita Test Oyunları

  • Alberto Fernández
  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador
  • Anthony Albanese
  • Cyril Ramaphosa
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Fumio Kishida
  • Giorgia Meloni
  • Joe Biden
  • Joko Widodo
  • Justin Trudeau
  • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
  • Narendra Modi
  • Olaf Scholz
  • Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
  • Rishi Sunak
  • Salman bin Abdulaziz
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Xi Jinping
  • Yoon Suk-yeol
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Can you match each G20 member country with its leader? The G20, a collection of twenty of the world's largest economies, has the goal of focusing the most important industrialized and developing economies on achieving international economic and financial stability. Explore these countries and learn about important heads of state around the globe—this map quiz will make it easy to memorize the leaders of all the G20 member countries.

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